Mitie Cleaning & Hygiene Services

With a focus on excellence, innovation and assurance of quality, Mitie is one of the largest specialist cleaning providers in the UK, with 20,000+ employees covering every corner of the country. An award-winning, people-centric business, 我们训练有素,技术支持的专业清洁团队是我们客户承诺提供卓越澳博官方网站的核心, every day.

Cleaning and Hygiene Centre of Excellence

Experience the future in our Cleaning & Hygiene Centre of Excellence. Our purpose-built facility showcases the latest innovations in the industry, supporting organisations to improve hygiene, and create exceptional spaces through enhanced cleaning, waste management and landscaping services.

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The VR Experiences

Our Cleaning & Hygiene Services

Mitie Cleaning & Hygiene is one of the largest cleaning providers in the country, offering the widest capability of self-delivered cleaning services in the UK. 我们广泛的客户范围和广泛的地理足迹确保我们能够提供质量驱动的产品, customer-centric cleaning solution, whether for single sites or national portfolios. We have relationships with the top equipment manufacturers and material providers, 确保我们采用最新的创新,为我们的客户提供最好的价值.

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COVID Assured Cleaning

With cleaning at the forefront of people’s minds in a post pandemic world, having confidence that an area is clean has never been more important. With a much greater emphasis on cleanliness all around us, people are becoming more critical than ever. 定期对办公场所进行大扫除可以确保你保护了你的同事,并让他们放心,他们在一个卫生的地方.

In addition to our Citrox solutions, 我们提供“传统”深度清洁,确保您的整个工作空间得到有效清洁,并采取必要的卫生措施.

With workplaces and public spaces playing host to high-levels of social interaction, with multiple high-traffic touchpoints, deep cleans are becoming key components of a holistic cleaning solution.

Delivering a thorough clean of all touchpoint surfaces, as well as rigorous cleans of floors, walls, ceilings, ducts and more, 我们的深度清洁确保您空间的所有区域都是消毒的,并准备好迎接您的同事和客户.


hours of cleaning delivered a year


cleaning personnel employed across the UK


Square Feet of retail space cleaned every single day


COVID deep clean sanitations

Three pillars form the foundation of our business

Three pillars are at the heart of Mitie Cleaning & Hygiene Services, informing everything we do in the pursuit of delivering outstanding cleaning for our customers.

By consistently delivering on these values, we promise to enhance your performance, perception and reputation via exceptionally clean environments.




Furthermore, 我们所有的清洁人员都接受过BICSc标准的培训,并对精益六西格玛能力有深刻的理解, 确保他们有能力为每一位客户提供最有效的解决方案,并保持Mitie对卓越清洁的承诺.


Innovation is at the heart of everything we do, utilising technology to implement sustainable solutions without compromising quality.

Staying on the cusp of the latest technology enables Mitie to deliver a blended approach, 将技术的效率与专业人员的专业知识相结合,提供卓越的澳博官方网站, every day.

提供综合技术解决方案,为客户提供更高效的澳博官方网站是关键, and we will continue to explore, test and implement new technologies to benefit our customers.

Automated cleaning robot


We deliver assurance to customers that their environments are exceptionally clean, through an outstanding value for money service that enhances their performance, perception and reputation.

We are passionate about creating clean, safe and sanitised environments for our customers, 从而为他们提供在新冠疫情后的世界中有效运营所需的保证.

Our Shield of Assurance is a seal that gives our customers peace of mind that the people, 与我们的澳博官方网站相关的产品和过程已经得到了Mitie清洁专家的批准和认可 & Hygiene Services.


Maintaining a clean workplace for employees not only makes for a healthier working environment, but can also demonstrably improve employee productivity, increase motivation and boost morale. 我们提供全面的办公室清洁澳博官方网站,帮助您为员工创造一个卓越的环境,使他们能够最好地完成工作.

制造业需要不间断地持续关注高质量产品的生产. We deliver reliable, 高效和合规的建筑和基础设施,通过我们行业领先的清洁澳博官方网站,使您始终专注于生产.

To support and develop communities, we understand that both Central & Local government bodies require value for money ensuring resources are focused and effective. Our UK-wide delivery will support government to drive efficiencies, reduce costs and make a tangible impact on the quality of life for all.

We work with hospitals, doctors’ surgeries, 地方当局和私营部门提供者确保患者获得最佳体验, residents, staff and visitors. By creating clean and safe environments, and delivering, innovative and efficient facilities management services through exceptional people, we become a partner of choice.

Read our article: 8 Ways Hospitals Stay Safe and Clean

Whether you operate shops, banks, shopping centres, supermarkets, cinemas or distribution centres, we understand that you need to deliver the best customer experience, while reducing overheads. Working on most UK high streets, 我们提供行业领先的清洁澳博官方网站,确保您的客户享受安全、清洁的购物体验.

We understand the importance of hygiene standards for airports, ferry terminals, ports, rail and bus stations. With enclosed spaces combined with high footfall and a constant stream of eager travellers, ensuring these spaces are hygienic, safe and sanitised throughout a customer’s journey is paramount. We can help your transport system run smoothly, 利用我们广泛的澳博官方网站和丰富的经验,在不影响您的澳博官方网站的情况下确保乘客的安全.

We understand that pharmaceutical companies operate a range of different facilities, from offices to manufacturing, laboratories and cleanrooms, and that cleaning standards are business critical in a pharmaceutical environment.

We put health and safety first in every decision we take, 确保使用正确的个人防护装备(PPE),我们的团队对COSHH(对健康有害物质的控制)有深刻的理解。. 我们的专业管理团队为制药行业带来了丰富的经验和专业知识. 我们严格遵循生物医学和一般制药生产环境的流程和协议标准, supported by our own QHSE LiveSafe standards.

We deliver sustainable, 尽可能使用不含化学物质或最少化学物质的环保解决方案. Utilising Lean Six Sigma principles, we always look to innovate and improve service delivery to drive efficiencies.  通过照顾您复杂的环境,我们让您的团队自由地测试和生产救命的药物.”

National Infrastructure are those facilities, systems, sites, information, people, networks and processes, necessary for a country to function and upon which daily life depends.

这些地方需要最高的标准,因为它们是国家运行不可或缺的一部分. Expectations are high and consequences of poor performance are significant. Often sites are high risk in terms of hazards, so stringent risk assessments etc must be done and strong continuity planning required.

Our experience of working in high-risk environments, such as the oil and gas industry, 结合我们在关键国家基础设施和国防部门的专业知识,我们成为在这些领域运营的组织的理想合作伙伴.

Technology & Innovation

Technology has evolved at a rapid pace, particularly the last few years. With more innovations than ever, 清洁团队需要根据自己的需求选择最合适的解决方案,在不影响表面质量的情况下实现最高效率.

Staying on the cusp of the latest technology enables Mitie to deliver a blended approach, 将技术的效率与专业人员的专业知识相结合,提供卓越的澳博官方网站, every day.

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Insights & News

Meet the Team

Headshot of Nick Heath, Regional Director, Cleaning & Hygiene Services

Nick Heath

Regional Director, Cleaning & Hygiene Services
Headshot of Robert Kneale, Regional Director, Cleaning & Hygiene Services

Robert Kneale

Regional Director, Cleaning & Hygiene Services
Headshot of Craig Robertson, Regional Director, Cleaning & Hygiene Services

Craig Robertson

Regional Director, Cleaning & Hygiene Services
Headshot of David Purdy Director, Retail, Cleaning & Hygiene Services

David Purdy

Director, Retail, Cleaning & Hygiene Services

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